Introducing My TeamType

Tomorrow is the first day of March, and I hereby designate March as National Teamwork Month. Yes, I have randomly declared 31 days as my own unofficial holiday. No, I won’t change my mind. Why? Because we all need a good reminder of what the power of teams can accomplish. And what better way to kick that off than with an amazing tool from noted organizational psychologist, Dr. Daniel Crosby.

teamtypeMy TeamType is an assessment that you can administer for teams in your organization to determine where they fall in terms of overall performance. And for the month of March, I have a special bonus for anyone who orders an assessment for their team(s). Read on for more details.

My experience

When I was testing this tool recently, we had a new manager join our organization. I saw that as a prime opportunity to help them understand where their team currently was on the scale as well as some ideas for how to move them even farther down the road toward an ascending team. That is a good option for any team, but for one with a new manager, I knew that it would be a great way to help get a grasp on how the team saw itself as the new person took the reins as the leader of the group.

The manager appreciated the assessment, because it helped them to understand not only where the team was, but also where it needed to go. As they continued to learn their new job and how to interact with the staff, this provided a foundation for those relationships and results-focused conversations to happen.

With that in mind, let’s get into the key questions you might have about the TeamType assessment.

Who created this?

The TeamType was developed by a team of organizational psychologists. Trust them, they're doctors. As for who should take the assessment, any team that would benefit from a deeper understanding of their levels of interpersonal connection and orientation toward getting results are great candidates.

What is this?

The TeamType is a short questionnaire that examines the level of Rapport and Results present in a team. Research shows that high performing teams are simultaneously results and relationship focused. The focus on achievement propels the team forward while the emphasis on rapport makes the journey safe and enjoyable. The TeamType measures these two critical dimensions, anonymously records and combines team members' responses, and yields a final “type.” The four TeamTypes are:

  • Ascending – High Rapport, High Results
  • Attending – Low Rapport, High Results
  • Befriending – High Rapport, Low Results
  • Pretending – Low Rapport, Low Results

The TeamType provides a snapshot that allows for customization of training, coaching and team building efforts. For instance, it would not make sense for a Befriending team to plan a retreat aimed at strengthening relational bonds. Their time and money are better-spent developing skills for achievement. Similarly, an Attending team would be well advised to develop soft skills rather than further deepening technical proficiencies. Click here to preview a shortened sample TeamType report to better understand how it can assist you and your team. The full report includes more details and information on how to improve your team.

Check out the video below for a short introduction to the assessment and how it can help your teams.

Where do I get the assessment?

Right there at your computer. You can even take the TeamType wearing those fuzzy bunny slippers you like. We won't tell.

Why should I consider it?

All too often, organizations assess individuals but have no idea how those individuals interact with one another as a team. The TeamType provides an invaluable glimpse into current team functioning as well as concrete suggestions for moving your team toward Ascending status. In addition, the productivity and power of a unified team is incredible.

In a 2012 MIT study, teams identified with high rapport/results had increased productivity and increased job satisfaction compared to teams without those characteristics. In a world where everyone is wondering how to engage their staff, offering a strong team-focused environment is an excellent way to make that happen. Plus I have included a special bonus for those who get the course during March, the month dedicated to helping teams perform better (see below for details).

How do I start?

The first step is selecting the size of the team to be assessed on the TeamType website.


Then, an administrator (typically you, the HR professional) enters the names and emails of all team members. Upon submitting, the administrator makes payment for the assessments, and then the fun gets underway.


Each team member then receives an email with a link to take the brief (20 question) assessment online. A TeamType report is generated once all responses are complete or after seven days if some respondents fail to complete the assessment. The TeamType report is returned only to the identified administrator(s). The administrator can then share that report with the team or other stakeholders at his or her discretion. Please see below for the additional bonus email course that will help to further enhance the impact of this helpful tool.

Please note: the current software build requires the administrator to take the assessment as well as the rest of the team members. If  you use an HR representative as the administrator email, simply wait seven days for the assessment period to close and the results will be tabulated based only on the inputs from the team members. We’re working on that, but it’s fairly minor for the information you get out of the tool!

Bonus Goodies

The assessment is a valuable tool, but to truly have a lasting impact there needs to be a recurring focus on the specifics of improving your team. So I created one. :-)

During the signup process there will be a link for the administrator (HR or the team leader) to sign up for a special email course that is dedicated to helping managers lead their teams more effectively. I am providing this six week course free as a bonus for those who purchase an assessment. In that course we’ll cover lessons on:

  • The importance of focusing on your team consistently and purposefully
  • Developing a shared vision as the leader of your team
  • Building community among your team members
  • Working ON your team, not just with your team
  • Playing offense and defense for your team

Questions about the My TeamType assessment? Feel free to reach out to me and I’d be happy to answer what I can. I didn’t create the assessment tool, but I’m happy to answer questions as I am able. Ready to check out the assessment? Click here to make your teams better.

If you are assessing 5 or more teams, please contact me and I can provide you with bulk pricing options. 

2 thoughts on “Introducing My TeamType

  1. Pingback: Introducing My TeamType I Ben | Entretiens Prof...

  2. Pingback: Introducing My TeamType I Ben | social musings ...

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