What is your “go to” resource?

I’ve been working on a post on small HR departments for a while now, and a reminder this past Monday is going to help me finish it once and for all. However, I need a little help so I can finish up that post.

One of the ladies in my SHRM chapter mentoring group (the same one who made the dress and read for the job you want quote) asked a great question that HR people everywhere should have a quick answer for–when you are looking for specific, targeted information, where do you go?

Do you visit a website, ask a person, or open a book? It’s different for everyone, and I’d like to know what your answer is.

Now I’m not talking about everyday reading. This lady is trying to create new policies and start programs and procedures from scratch and is doing heavy research to find answers.

My suggestion (I didn’t get to share it during the meeting, darn it) is to build and develop a support network of people. Twitter’s been a valuable tool in that regard for me. I’m able to find answers to a lot of questions within just a few minutes, but it’s taken me a long time to build up to the follower size I have.

Other suggestions from the group were SHRM, HR Hero, former company handbooks, etc. I’d add HR Net (run by Steve Browne), Google, and blogs to that list as potential resources.

If you have a problem/question, where do you turn?

8 thoughts on “What is your “go to” resource?

  1. Charlie Judy

    i’ve always liked the idea of having a “personal board of directors” comprised of a good hodge-podge of professionals who are “on call” to help advise on a number of things (HR or otherwise). mine has several seasoned HR professionals, a CFO, a retired investment banker, a NFP exec director, and miscellaneous fill-ins here and there. make your own board, call them to order…
    .-= Charlie Judy´s last blog ..Pig Heads Belong at BBQs =-.

  2. Chris Ferdinandi - Renegade HR

    Ben – Great discussion topic! I use a combination of the web and my professional network (which sometime overlap). I rarely look for answers from books.

    That’s not to say I don’t read. I do. A lot, actually.

    For me, books are a way to stretch my thinking and plant seeds of ideas that germinate later.


    .-= Chris Ferdinandi – Renegade HR´s last blog ..Unappreciated Employee =-.

  3. Sophie Lemieux

    Hi Ben,

    Same for me. I Google alot and ask around through my Network.

    Have a great day!


  4. Latina Culture

    I’m a big reader of books and web but I find asking others is best.

    I want Charlie Judy to be on my personal board of directors. :)



    1. Ben Post author

      @Jen I’d want Charlie, too. He looks great in a towel sarong and probably has some ideas that are good, too. ;-) I think we turn to people for the quick responses that situations require. Or at least, as my own boss pointed out, we want to talk through those situations with people to explore them fully. We may not even want answers in the first place, just an opportunity to explore them and come to our own conclusions.

      Thanks for dropping by!

  5. Ben Post author

    @Charlie That’s a great way to put it! I love the term “Personal Board of Directors.” That’s definitely going to make it into the post on small HR. The variety of expertise is a key in that, wouldn’t you say? Thank you for the input!

    @Chris I don’t usually look to books for answers, either, but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn a LOT from the ones that are out there. Unless I’ve read something before and know where to go back and look for it, books really aren’t good for answering quick questions as far as I know. Definitely more of a long-term learning strategy like you mentioned.

    @Sophie I’m sure Google gets three dozen hits from me on a consistent daily basis. :-) My “people” are a huge resource for me, especially as a relatively new professional. Thanks for dropping by!

  6. Krista Francis

    I usually start with a quick Google search for an overview, then I decide whom to call or contact. I belong to a couple HR listservs and one is especially active and responsive. Then of course, there’s Twitter, SHRM, sites like HRToolbox, LinkedIn groups, and all the relationships with people you cultivate from those resources and any local groups you belong to. Charlie Judy probably said it best!

    I do read voraciously, but that’s rarely my go-to answer.
    .-= Krista Francis´s last blog ..Getting Onboard With Onboarding =-.

  7. Ben Post author

    @Krista That answer is a fantastic one! I forgot all about the LinkedIn groups that I’m a member of. Care to share the listservs, or is that a trade secret? :-)

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