Discrimination isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
I overheard a conversation the other day between two employees at a local restaurant. One of them said:
“I am so sick of our boss. He is always discriminating against me for coming in a few minutes late or not getting my work done as fast as Joe.”
The second employee turned to the first and responded:
“It serves you right. Show up on time. Do better work. It’s not really that hard.”
Because I’m incredibly mature and kindhearted I held my laugh in until I was out of earshot, but it seems like I hear this kind of thing more and more. People feel like all kinds of discrimination are bad/wrong/evil.
Not true.
See, we won’t discriminate against you for your age, gender, etc. Those things are protected (as they well should be). But work performance? I can discriminate against you all day long.
“Discrimination” isn’t a blanket defense for poor work habits. Just an FYI. In the words of the young man who is wise beyond his years: show up on time and do better work. It’s not really that hard.
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