Category Archives: General

HR-Proposals Make You Better

human resources proposalI’ve been working with our business development team on a big project. The HR proposal portion is an amazing exercise, because it’s all about us forcing ourselves to quantify the impact that we have on the organization. Sitting there and discussing what differentiates our organization from others in terms of recruiting, retention, etc. opens your eyes to the opportunities that we have to drive change on a high level. It’s helping me to see that our part of the business can be as powerful (or not) as we want it to be.

Results-oriented HR

I’ve touched on the Results Oriented Work Environment (ROWE) in this post on working naked, but that applies to work in general. The basic idea behind ROWE is work when/how/where you want, as long as the objectives are met. There are two main pieces in my mind when it comes to ROWE:

  • The “fun” part of doing whatever the heck you want to do
  • The “hard” part of really, truly, seriously being responsible for some actual results

When people discuss ROWE, they often look at the first piece, but the second one is discussed less often because it actually demands some level of accountability. It requires that you ask better questions, for one. What are real results when it comes to HR? How do you measure that? Are those measurements comparable to other companies in your industry or geographic region?

Take a look if you dare

When I sat down with the team to discuss the HR/recruiting portions of the proposal, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I quickly saw opportunities to bolster our proposal by calling out comments on previous employee surveys, analyzing our Best Places to Work employee responses, and plugging in metrics for recruiting and retention. By the end of the meeting, I was excited not only about our prospects (we’ve clearly differentiated ourselves from the average HR team with some of our practices), but also about having a clearer picture of what our contributions mean on a larger scale.

The little things matter. It’s not just working with a manager to coach an employee through tough times. It’s not just going the extra mile to ensure that when employees do have to leave, they are treated with all the courtesy and respect I would afford any other star employee. It’s not even having an amazing retention rate for our industry that really makes a dent in the company’s performance. It’s a little bit of everything. All of those pieces flow together to paint a picture of success for our organization. It certainly isn’t true solely due to our people practices, but a strong focus on those since the day the company was established means that they play a key role in our continued upward movement.

Your turn

As an HR professional, you are in a unique position to make your organization better. Maybe it’s taking a little extra time with job candidates to help them understand why they weren’t chosen. Maybe it’s picking up the phone to call a remote employee to talk them through a tough time in their life. While those “small” actions might not seem valuable on the surface, they touch more people and build more goodwill toward your HR  team than all the doughnuts and party planning you could ever accomplish.

Take some time today to think on it. What results can you point to that measure your value as a piece of your organization? Are you contributing to, or detracting from, your company’s success? Are your inputs clearly visible? Why or why not?

PHR-SPHR Exam Topics (Free Webinar)

Ever wonder what sort of topics are on the PHR or SPHR exams? Look no further! 

It’s that time again, and I’m getting geared up to work with Dovetail Software on our second webinar to help those who are thinking about taking the HR certification exams.

What we’ll cover

The first webinar focused on the overall body of knowledge and a few solid tips from those who have taken, and passed, the exams. This time we’ll break down each area of the exam, look at how to target each one, and go over some practice questions to help you get a feel for what the exam will cover. It’s a great opportunity to start preparing yourself for the exam!

Register now

Click here to register for the webinar on Thursday, July 19th 12:30-1:00pm Central

If you can’t make the event, please register anyway, because you can get the recording for free after the webinar is archived on the Dovetail site.

Cool prizes

We’re giving away over $300 in study preparation tools from our friends at HRCP to a lucky winner, so please join us and you could win!

Change Your Life Not Your Wife (Book Review)

I was intrigued when I was approached about reviewing the book Change Your Life Not Your Wife: Marriage Saving Advice for Success Driven People. The idea of a marriage book for business people was an interesting mix, and it definitely didn’t disappoint. The authors, Tony Ferreti and Peter J. Weiss, put their cards on the table early on with a statement about the relationship with a spouse being the most important item after a person’s spiritual well being. I’m not ashamed of my faith, and I’m glad the authors took the extra step to make that important distinction. Let’s hit on some of the big picture thinking featured in the book.

Happy home life helps make happy work life

If you’re married, stop for a second and consider this scenario: you come home one day from a long day at work to find out that your spouse has packed up and moved out, completely destroying your home life. How well do you think you will be concentrating the next day at work? Do you think they will be getting the best that you have to offer? If you are not married, just imagine the same sort of fallout with someone you truly care about, and you’ll get an idea of the impact of this sort of crisis.

That quick little scenario was just an easy way to depict how much employee family problems can be affecting your workforce on a daily basis. We already know that some productivity issues exist for employees, but these events can have an even higher impact on someone’s productivity and creativity than a little Facebook time. Continue reading

Zen Recruiting Wisdom

Don’t just choose the better candidate, choose the candidate that makes your company better.

Next time you’re trying to choose between two similar candidates, consider which one makes your organization more valuable.

How to Read a Resume for Culture Fit

Have you ever wondered how to read a resume to get the best understanding of the candidate’s fit for the job? What’s the most important part to focus on?

Is it the objective? Is it where you went to school? Maybe it’s your last employer?

Google’s staffing director discusses how to read a resume

It’s not any of those things. Well, not according to Todd Carlisle, Director of Staffing at Google. He believes the most important part of the resume is the bottom portion, where people normally list things like hobbies, activities, volunteer experience, etc.

Candidates\’ early work experience, hobbies, extracurricular activities or nonprofit involvement—such as painting houses to pay for college or touring with a punk rock band through Europe—often provide insight into how well an applicant would fit into the company culture.” source

I think that’s a great idea, and I’d have to agree that it could be valuable for ascertaining a person’s culture fit. Many professionals drop those kinds of information from their resume in order to fit in the valuable experience gleaned at other positions, so you could be missing plenty of them with a great history of volunteering and social activities if you’re only scanning resumes.

That’s where the next point comes in…

Stop reading resumes altogether

In the video below Jerome Ternynck, CEO of SmartRecruiters, brings an even more radical approach to the one above: get rid of resumes and use “profiles” instead. I like the idea, but I don’t know how feasible it is. Frankly, it’s easier for any company to sort through ten resumes than it is to sort through ten profiles for candidates.

And despite there being hundreds of great career resources on the web, some job seekers still have ugly resumes, poor interviewing skills, and no real career plan. Then again, that does weed the technically ignorant folks from the hiring pool (at least until they catch on). Check out the video below for more ideas on how we can get rid of resumes once and for all.

Twitter-What’s in it for Me as an HR Pro?

One of the interesting things I saw at the SHRM 2012 annual conference a few weeks back was the multitude of HR professionals visiting the SHRM Hive for social media help and advice. I don’t know that there was a final count, but dozens of HR pros set up Twitter accounts during the event. However, when I tell some people about that, they just give me a blank stare.

WIIFM? What’s In It For Me?

There are several uses for Twitter for the average in-the-trenches HR professional. Here they are in no particular order:

  • Social Recruiting-Use Twitter and other social platforms to share your jobs to a larger audience, search for candidates for openings, and connect in a low-pressure way with potential employees.
  • Networking-Connect with other HR professionals across the globe. Working on a compensation plan? Someone else has already surmounted that hurdle and can offer advice. Working on your first corrective action template? Send a message on Twitter and get some samples from others in the HR community. Just want a place to talk about the crazy things your people are doing? Go for it! The connections you make could end up leading to friendships, job offers, or something more in the future.
  • Communications-Your employees are using social networks, so why not communicate with them via those tools as well? One unique idea someone asked me about at the SHRM conference: the lady wanted to send out employee-only discounts and was looking at Twitter for that. Neat idea!
  • Employer Branding-People on the web have an opinion of your company. Is it good? Is it bad? Using social tools allows you to monitor what is being said and also gives you a platform for sharing positive, interesting information about your organization that attracts candidates to your doorstep.
  • Professional Development-This one is by far my favorite. I use Twitter as a news feed (research shows that many Twitter users use it as a news feed more than a networking tool, and that’s perfectly fine!) to help me find relevant, interesting content to help me as an HR professional. I connect with others in my industry/profession and also stay on top of new developments in employment law, engagement trends, etc.

The best part about this stuff is that you are not the first one to wonder “Is this really for me?” Hundreds of others have already asked that question, taken the leap, and never looked back. Want some help on getting set up with Twitter or another social media tool? Feel free to send me an email and I’d be happy to help.

Job Feedback-You’re Doing it Wrong

I heard a new term to describe poor job feedback recently at the SHRM 2012 Conference, and I just had to share it here.

gunnysack feedback  [guhn-ee-sak feed-bak] noun
the act of saving all of an employee’s feedback over time and delivering it all at one time during an annual performance review; see also terrible management practices and how to increase employee turnover

how to give feedback at workThis is a really bad idea for several reasons.

  • First, you are not supplying the person with positive encouragement when they accomplish something noteworthy. How will they know what they are doing right?
  • Second, you are not correcting improper behaviors right away. Do you seriously think the employee really wants to do the wrong thing for an extended period of time before you get up the nerve to tell them?

In short, it violates the biggest rule with regard to comments for performance reviews: treat the other person like you want to be treated. Stuck and not sure how to proceed? Here’s a crazy idea–ask them what they want! Let’s add gunnysack job feedback to the list of failed management ideas (like using Twitter for reviews).

Anyone witnessed a manager clinging to the belief that this type of performance management is a good one?