Tag Archives: Employee Engagement

Insights from my second day on the job

So, if you haven’t heard, I just started a new HR job yesterday (woohoo!). I was reading this great post on MonsterThinking today during lunch and realized how true it was. In the video below I talk about some of the drivers of employee engagement and the stark contrast between my last job and my current one. Yes, I’m still in the “ooh la la!” stage with my new job, but I can’t see my attitude towards work dropping like a rock as I did previously. Continue reading

The proper care and feeding of employees

Managing employees is tough, but there are some fundamental principles that weave through the manager/employee relationship we can all benefit from remembering. Check out the short video below (transcript below that if you prefer reading) to learn more.

(Email subscribers may have to click through to view the video.)

Proper care and feeding of employees

  • People come to work for the money, and leave because of their manager (the research backs that often tossed-around phrase) .
  • All of the data comes from research done by the Corporate Leadership Council. They\’ve found that providing fair/accurate informal feedback has a 39% impact on performance. (The problem? We don\’t know how to give feedback for the most part!)
  • Never really thought of it this way, but the manager acts as a conduit whose primary role is to connect employee with company. They can directly shape the employee\’s perception of the organization, their team, and their job. (I\’ve really noticed this a lot when I didn\’t get the right tools and attention from my manager.)

Anything else you’d like to share that goes along with managing better?

Free Employee Engagement Webinar

Free human resources webinarI hear tell that there’s a free webinar coming up on April 15th! I’ll be listening in. Will you? It’s called A Perfect Match: 10 M’s of Employee Engagement and will be hosted by LinkedHR. I’ve already reserved my seat and hope to blog about the content, but it wouldn’t hurt to experience it for yourself. It also qualifies for one strategic credit from HRCI, and I know it’s tough to get those for this kind of price!

I had the great opportunity to see Laura Huckabee-Jennings and her presentation on employee engagement entitled “Leaders Have Followers” at a NASHRM event earlier this year. That event opened my eyes to the sort of impact employee engagement can have on an organization, and I’m hoping this free webinar will take that even further.

The event site has this to say as a teaser:

Lately, the engagement phenomenon has caught the attention of researchers and practitioners in the HR field – and for good reason. Engagement, a powerful combination of energy, passion, and focus, is connected to more effective leadership, stronger commitment, lower turnover, and increased customer loyalty. This session will introduce participants to this emerging trend.

Click here to register for this free webinar!

Leaders Have Followers

leaders have followersOn Tuesday I had the pleasure of hearing Laura  Huckabee-Jennings speak to my local SHRM chapter. She did a fantastic presentation titled Leaders Have Followers, and I took a page full of great notes. I had to laugh though. I was thinking to myself that my manager should have attended, because there were some things in there that she would be interested in implementing. Then I looked up and she was sitting two tables away looking right at me! Be careful what you wish for!

Below you’ll find my tweets/notes from the event. Because they’re chronologically ordered, you’ll have to start at the bottom and read up to get them in the right sequence. If you see one that stands out for you, mention it in a comment below. I’d like to know which ones really resonate with you. Continue reading