Tag Archives: Random

What I’m doing and not doing today

In the past few weeks I’ve written in spurts. Sometimes I’ll get a lot of posts out and sometimes it’s more of a trickle. Sometimes I get guest posts out to help other people keep up their frequency even though mine sometimes is lower than I’d like. Well, I had intended to write a post today. But then I remembered that I have something more important going on.

Next Tuesday (September 14th), I am going to be speaking at my local SHRM chapter’s luncheon. Yeah, I’m kind of surprised, too. :-)

It all started when a few of the chapter officers followed some links from the SHRM chapter blog that I write. Those links led to some different posts here, and they reached out to me to see if I would be interested in talking to the chapter.

I am so not interested in talking about me for an hour, so I’m trying to make it about the audience and how what I have learned can benefit them. So far I’ve narrowed it down to two big things: passion and professional development.

Everything I do outside of work springs from my passion for this field. And that enthusiasm has led to some amazing professional development opportunities, including attending the SHRM10 conference, cofounding HRevolution, participating in my local SHRM chapters’s mentoring group, and chairing the HRYP committee for SHRM. Just for kicks, I also want to share things I’ve screwed up on, because that’s how I (and everyone else) learns the hard lessons.

So, I’m not writing a blog post today. Not at all. I’m writing the outline for my presentation. Nothing to see here. Move along. :-)

An apology and a few shout outs

Technical difficulties

Hey, everyone! If you’ve dropped by the site (or checked your email/RSS subscriptions) in the past 24 hours, you might have seen some wacky stuff. My original website was set up on WordPress.com. When I moved to upstartHR.com, I had to redirect the old website. Yesterday that redirection failed for a little while, causing the old website to show and my old posts to be reposted to RSS/email. If you were caught up in that snafu, I’m sorry about that!

I haven’t done shout outs in a while, so here are a few that need sharing…

  • Steve Boese for keeping a sense of humor despite the fact that I rarely get to listen to the live HRHappyHour show. But you should, because it rocks!
  • Eric, Lisa, Matt, Kathy, Janet, and anyone else at Monster who helped get that baby box together. Rockin’ awesome.
  • Alison Green for having faith and leaping into a project with me.
  • Chris Ferdinandi for writing his book, being a good friend, and giving me the initiative to create some social media training for my own organization.
  • Dave Ryan for the comments and compliments from HRevolution. I still remember the conversation vividly!
  • Steve Browne for kicking butt, taking names, and not taking “no” for an answer when it comes to HR and social media.
  • Chuck Salvetti for taking a chance on me.
  • Stephen Harrison for working his tail off to make sure HRFL was totally amazing.
  • Laurie Ruettimann for sending me a Mountain Dew shirt just because.
  • And lastly, my amazing wife. She has been through a roller coaster of emotions as we’ve brought our new babies home, and despite my sleep-deprivation-induced-attitude, she makes my world go around.

Back to your regularly scheduled programming. :-)