When you're managing a small business, it can seem challenging to obtain and retain skilled talent. This is especially true because of the competition from larger companies. After all, these companies might be able to offer higher pay and more benefits than a new business or startup. However, since small businesses make up 99.7% of businesses in the U.S., there are plenty of ways to attract talent to your small business.
We’re Only Human 57: Prioritizing D&I at Online Gaming Firm NCSOFT
Many HR leaders are guilty of being overloaded and failing to keep tabs on the external environment outside the business. They may be buttoned up on the inside, but forces and factors outside the walls of the firm can also impact how the organization functions (or not).Â
In this episode, Ben brings in conversations from Chauncey Gammage, SVP of HR at NCSOFT. NCSOFT is a firm operating in the online gaming industry, the audience of which is overwhelmingly male. That’s probably a reason that the workers in the industry are also male-dominated. However, Gammage talks about how the firm’s female employees interact with the user population and how the lines of D&I can extend beyond the watuplls of the firm.Â
The insights from the NCSOFT HR leader are punctuated by commentary from Ben on the practical implications and how to make this a priority for your own firm, a different type of format than most of our episodes.Â
Learn more about NCSOFT:Â https://us.ncsoft.com/
Connect with Chauncey:Â https://www.linkedin.com/in/chauncey-gammage-5093731/
How HR Management for a Business Can Be Improved
Human resource management is crucial to any business in order to maximize one of its main assets: Its people.
In many ways HR management is one of the cornerstones of a good business. With good HR management it is possible to not only improve engagement, efficiency, and performance levels, but also resolve workplace issues – or avoid them completely.
Because HR management encompasses many different areas, improving it can be tricky. That is why it is best to tackle it on multiple fronts: Continue reading

Alabama’s New Equal Pay Act: What You Need to Know
Last week I posted this to my personal Facebook page, but I think it will be relevant to many of the people here as well because other states are adding these on a regular basis (California, Delaware, Atlanta GA, Hawaii, Illinois, and more!) The equal pay portion is important, but the more immediate impact will come from the last piece of this: a requirement that limits employers with regard to asking for prior salary history in a job application/interview process.Â
To my Facebook friends in Alabama, your friendly neighborhood HR guy here to explain one of our newest laws that affects every one of you that works for an employer and all of my other HR/recruiting nerd friends in the industry (effective October 1, 2019).
The Clark-Figures Equal Pay Act requires employers to pay people equally for doing the same work at the same performance level, regardless of your gender or race. However, most importantly, it also helps by preventing employers from asking you about salary history.
Why does salary history matter?

So you want to speak at HR conferences? Advice for the journey
One of the key parts of what I do in my job is speaking. Webinars. Conferences. Seminars. I’ll talk to pretty much anyone about anything related to HR.
And I LOVE it.
This is pretty funny for anyone that knows me well, because I’m fairly shy and introverted. If I show up to the pre-conference party myself, I’ll eat quickly and leave for the safety of my hotel room and a good book. Ideally I’ll have a friend or someone meeting me so at least I have a person to connect with when I arrive. Better still if they introduce me to one or two people so I am not flying solo (or my “return to home” alert kicks in and I’m out of there in a flash).
Anyway, I have been speaking over 10 years now. The very first event was actually pushed on me (kindly) by a friend that thought I had important things to say. I was early in my career, but I had lots of experience already using social media, building a strong network, and developing myself outside of work. That formed the core presentation called “HR Sponge,” which was aptly named because the friend called me her sponge for new information. :-)
Fast forward to today, and I’ve spoken to tens of thousands of HR, talent, and learning professionals across the world. Spring and fall are heavy HR conference seasons, so I spend a fair amount of time on the road during those times. It balances out, because summer and winter are family time! With the new book that came out late last year, I’ve been speaking a lot more on the topic of artificial intelligence and how it can help us make HR more human, not less.
(Don’t tell my wife but I’m already thinking about the next book.) :-)Â Continue reading
We’re Only Human 56: How Delta Airlines Designs its Candidate Experience
One of the negative consequences of today’s talent acquisition processes is that we have so many more candidates that don’t get picked for open jobs. With one-click apply, the availability of job boards, and other technologies to lower the friction of applying for jobs, employers have more candidates than ever flowing through their applications. This can create a negative experience for those that aren’t selected for the job, from the “resume black hole” to a lack of response overall.
Delta Airlines is approaching this problem by creating an intentional method called Designing for the Disappointed. Everyone can’t be hired for every job, so how we treat people at the other end of the table, especially when in a consumer-facing brand like retail or, in Delta’s case, airline travel. In today’s discussion Ben talks with Carol McDaniel, a talent acquisition leader from Delta that shares insights into how the firm has designed a tailored, personalized process that scales across the thousands of applicants it receives each year.Â
Connect with Carol on LinkedIn:Â https://www.linkedin.com/in/carolmcdaniel
Learn more about Delta’s careers:Â https://www.delta.com/us/en/careers/overview
5 Tips on How to Organize Your Remote HR Team
Have you ever wondered of going partly or fully remote? While there are certain indisputable benefits associated with hiring remote employees, they will also come at a cost with a set of their own unique challenges. The biggest challenge of all is that of managing a remote team. Hereinbelow, we'll address the common differences between remote and in-house employees and how it all relates to human resources and recruitment. Continue reading