If you’re looking for the newest HR Blog Carnival post, you might like to check the home page for the event. But make sure you read this post so you know how to make the most of this fun and informative event!
I can still fondly remember reading my first HR blog carnival and ravenously devouring each of the great posts linked there. I often speak with HR professionals and advocate for them to seek out and read the HR blogs that they enjoy. Usually the conversation goes like this:
Me: Hey, what sort of news do you read on a daily/weekly basis that keeps you up-to-date on the HR world?
Random HR Guy/Gal: I\’m usually too busy.
Me: What if you could get one or two short and sweet (and free) articles a week via email? I could recommend a few.
RHRG/G: Hmmm. Sounds interesting.
Me: Do you have a favorite topic? Training? Development? Leadership?
RHRG/G: (Delivering a beautiful pitch across the plate) Well, I like reading about leadership. I\’m the HR director at my organization and it\’s hard to find new and interesting ideas on how to lead and inspire my department.
Me: (Swinging for the fence) Excellent! Well, in that case, I recommend that you sign up for the free news feed for both Wally Bock and Dan McCarthy. Your leadership style will never be the same!