Tag Archives: HR Summer School

HR Summer School 2024: 5 Years of Lifting Up the HR Community

This month is always an exciting one for me and the team. We’re gearing up for our major virtual event, HR Summer School, an event with millions of minutes watched since its launch in 2020.

The HRSS experience is always a powerful one. It all started in 2020 when I landed in California for a speaking event, turned on my phone, and the voicemail I had received from the event organizer was “Go home, California is closed for this COVID thing.”

I then had four or five weeks open up on my calendar where I was planning on traveling and speaking, and I wasn’t sure what to do. As I looked around me at so many friends who were furloughed, stuck at home, or just plain nervous about what the future held, I thought that I could help.

That first year was something wild.

  • 20 hours of HR Summer School streamed live.
  • No team other than my fearless wife Melanie helping to make it happen.
  • My wonderful mistake of muting myself for the first two minutes of day one 😂

But it was worth it. Since then we’ve delivered 7.5 hours of FREE HRCI and SHRM credits every year to thousands of HR pros around the world. It’s informative. It’s inspiring. And it’s a chance for all of us to remember why we do HR and the value we bring.

The event is coming up soon. If you can’t make it live, we have a replay available. Sign up today!

HR Summer School: Winter Break Edition

In the last two years, I’ve had more people tell me “I never thought I would love summer school so much!” 

Truthfully, I didn’t know that I would, either! 😊

It’s that love of getting together and inspiring each other that encouraged me to set up a special one-day session for HR Summer School lovers to get together during the cold months, and in keeping with the school theme, it’s called Winter Break!

On 2/22/22, we’ll be getting together to learn, grow, and lift each other up as a profession. I hope that you’ll join us for 2.5 free recert credits and chances to win some amazing prizes and resources to make you a better and more capable HR professional. For a preview, we’ll be giving away: 

  • Copies of Julie Turney’s book Confessions of an HR Pro
  • Snazzy (and sassy) HR notebooks to show off your favorite profession
  • Signed copies of my book on using technology to make work more human
  • And more!

We have speakers already lined up to help us with: 

  • The critical link between pay and financial wellness 
  • The lesson on self care for HR that EVERYONE is getting wrong
  • Why our people need us as HR pros to be leading now more than ever

And we’re finalizing our speakers and agenda this week. 

Sign up free at the HR Summer School website!

HR Summer School 2021: Join the Movement for FREE

Last year was full of uncertainty, and we are hopeful over here in the Eubanks household that 2021 is going to bring more clarity and hope for the future.

One way we’re doing that is by bringing back the HR Summer School event, what one person called “the best HR event of 2020, hands down!” This is a chance to support the community, bring networking and growth opportunities, and encourage each other for whatever lies ahead.

You can find out more on the HR Summer School website, but the event will be June 7th-9th for a couple hours each day, suitable for those in the US as well as those around the world that want to participate in a different type of experience.

Check out what Suraiea, a student from last year, had to say:

Last year we helped thousands of HR pros just like Suraiea to be inspired not just about their work but about the future of the profession. To give you a sense of the scale, more than 3 million minutes of the content from last year has been watched in the last 12 months.

Yes, really.

In the last year, other events have gone virtual, but many of them go overboard on content (who needs 127 hours of learning at a virtual event?) or lock attendees away in some proprietary system that doesn’t allow you to connect with each other. We put you right next to your peers on a LinkedIn livestream so you can create new relationships and connect directly with others who are passionate about our space with one click.

See? I told you it was different… Here’s a clue: within 24 hours of opening the event for registrations, we had over 1,000 people already lined up and ready to attend!

We are cutting back the content volume this year to focus keenly on things that will elevate your performance, improve your career, and drive your influence within the business. This is more than just your HR legal update, which you can pretty much get anywhere.

It’s my vision that every single person who comes out of this event will be able to lead more effectively and achieve a higher level of career satisfaction and performance as a result.

I hope to see you there!

And if that’s not enough to make you want to attend, last year we gave away over 100 prizes and goodies to participants for chiming in and sharing their thoughts throughout the event. Bribes work, right? :-)

Can’t wait to see you as part of HR Summer School 2021. Register for free now.

#HRSummerSchool: Time for Extra Credit!

Two weeks ago we ran a live, virtual event that has already been seen by tens of thousands of HR professionals, talent leaders, students, and more. One of the sessions gave us technical issues, so we are running what we are lovingly calling an “extra credit” session and I would love to have you attend!

If you didn’t attend HR Summer School, you missed an epic experience. I haven’t published a formal update based on the event, but suffice to say it was like nothing I’ve ever seen before. We had thousands of comments, new connections, and interaction beyond any other HR webcast or webinar you have ever experienced.

FYI: many of our attendees were interested in the books written by the speakers. You can get those here on Amazon. If you want your #HRSummerSchool commemorative shirt or other gear, that’s found here.

Just check out the map below to see where attendees participated from around the world. It probably wouldn’t surprise you after seeing this map to hear that over ONE MILLION minutes of HR Summer School have been watched on LinkedIn already since the event. 😮


Before I get to the extra credit session, let me share with you a few of the many comments from those that participated in HR Summer School live, in no particular order. Click through the images below to see some of the amazing feedback.

One participant told me that she was about to get out of HR because it wasn’t exciting anymore. After two days of participating in the event, she said her passion had been rekindled and that she was excited to look for a new employer that actually values the input from HR in the business. If she had been the only participant, I would have called this event worthwhile, but thankfully (as you can see below) we had so many more amazing participants.  Continue reading