Don’t Judge for Feelings, Judge for Actions – Featuring Faye Ekong on We’re Only Human

“There’s a lot of blame going around. Rumors, gossip, people are on their guard.  So this kind of hidden anger and passive aggressiveness that I have seen, [what’s] always an eye-opener with clients is how many people need to be CC’d on any given email. So the more people that are CC’d in anything gives you an indication: there’s a bit of fear, and so that shows that there’s generally low trust.” 

Faye Ekong, Managing Director, RavelWorks Africa


We’re Only Human — Episode 116


In the organizational context of change management, it’s easy to become frustrated or flustered with people about how they feel about policies and decisions. But as Faye Ekong so clearly illustrates in this conversation on We’re Only Human, we should hold them accountable for their actions, not how they feel. 

In addition, Faye shares insights on organizational health (and a lack of it) with examples that will make you smile and nod along with her. Her work in Africa in may ways reflects the work of HR leaders around the globe, and her advice is helpful for driving better change and HR outcomes. 


Connect with Faye and RavelWorks:


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HR Summer School 2021: Join the Movement for FREE

Last year was full of uncertainty, and we are hopeful over here in the Eubanks household that 2021 is going to bring more clarity and hope for the future.

One way we’re doing that is by bringing back the HR Summer School event, what one person called “the best HR event of 2020, hands down!” This is a chance to support the community, bring networking and growth opportunities, and encourage each other for whatever lies ahead.

You can find out more on the HR Summer School website, but the event will be June 7th-9th for a couple hours each day, suitable for those in the US as well as those around the world that want to participate in a different type of experience.

Check out what Suraiea, a student from last year, had to say:

Last year we helped thousands of HR pros just like Suraiea to be inspired not just about their work but about the future of the profession. To give you a sense of the scale, more than 3 million minutes of the content from last year has been watched in the last 12 months.

Yes, really.

In the last year, other events have gone virtual, but many of them go overboard on content (who needs 127 hours of learning at a virtual event?) or lock attendees away in some proprietary system that doesn’t allow you to connect with each other. We put you right next to your peers on a LinkedIn livestream so you can create new relationships and connect directly with others who are passionate about our space with one click.

See? I told you it was different… Here’s a clue: within 24 hours of opening the event for registrations, we had over 1,000 people already lined up and ready to attend!

We are cutting back the content volume this year to focus keenly on things that will elevate your performance, improve your career, and drive your influence within the business. This is more than just your HR legal update, which you can pretty much get anywhere.

It’s my vision that every single person who comes out of this event will be able to lead more effectively and achieve a higher level of career satisfaction and performance as a result.

I hope to see you there!

And if that’s not enough to make you want to attend, last year we gave away over 100 prizes and goodies to participants for chiming in and sharing their thoughts throughout the event. Bribes work, right? :-)

Can’t wait to see you as part of HR Summer School 2021. Register for free now.

Workplace Performance is 90 Percent Mental with Roger Kitchen on We’re Only Human

“So the nerdy neuroscience about the brain is that your brain can’t distinguish between a real-time event or if you visualized it.  But when you when you walk yourself mentally, emotionally, visually through those things, and you just see yourself doing them and being successful, that’s the really key piece.”

Roger Kitchen, Mental Skills Coach

We’re Only Human — Episode 115

High-performing individuals in music, athletics, and even business use coaches to help them accomplish their goals, but have you ever thought about the importance of mental skills at work?

For knowledge workers (and HR leaders), the vast majority of performance isn’t physical in nature, it’s mental. And yet we let ourselves continue doing what we’ve always done, missing opportunities to create better performance and work habits.

In this fun interview with Roger Kitchen, a mental skills coach, Ben and Roger dive into the key aspects of creating good work habits, focusing mental performance, and driving better satisfaction and resilience.

Connect with Roger on LinkedIn:

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Human Benefits for a Human Workforce with Maribeth Bearfield on We’re Only Human

“What I see is that we’re no longer working from home. We’re living at work. And so how do we help employees work differently?”

Maribeth Bearfield, Chief Human Resources Officer, Bright Horizons


We’re Only Human — Episode 114


In the last year, employers have struggled with how to support workers in a rapidly changing environment. Even today as some things change, others stay the same. During this episode, Ben talks with Maribeth Bearfield about how she looks at the human side of benefits that her team offers the workforce. 

Learn about the new Horizons program that allows employees to earn a free education, creating new opportunities for the firm’s diverse workforce and an exciting legacy of impact on the communities in which it serves. 

Did you know that of the various assets on a balance sheet, people don’t show up? After all, they aren’t property, equipment, or materials. However, they do show up in the skills and innovation that they bring to the table. Maribeth also talks about the value of intangibles, which is where the value of your people really shine. 


Connect with Maribeth: 

Connect with Bright Horizons: 

Stop Anonymizing Employee Feedback–Insights from Joyous on We’re Only Human

“If this week a leader acknowledges [employee feedback], next week, the person is eight times more likely to participate again than if the leader said nothing the week before.” 

Ruby Kolesky, Co-CEO and Head of Product, Joyous

We’re Only Human — Episode 113


What’s your stance on employee feedback and anonymity? In today’s conversation with Mike and Ruby from Joyous, they share a bold proposal: stop making employee feedback anonymous, because you’re telling them that it’s something to be worried about. Instead, they advocate for open feedback that can help to identify issues, engage support, and drive the best outcomes. 

In the discussion, the team talks about research they’ve done among employers asking for and acting upon feedback from their people, and they also talk about what it takes to create the environment where people can share their best ideas with the rest of the organization, making everyone’s work (and workplace) better. 

Connect with Mike and Ruby: 

Ben’s favorite Joyous case study: 


See the We’re Only Human archives, subscribe, and learn more about the show: 

Introversion-The HR Super Power with Tim Gardner on We’re Only Human

My preference in work was not towards optimizing machinery, but helping optimize work processes for people.

Tim Gardner, Former Organizational Development Consultant at Kimberly-Clark (retired)


We’re Only Human — Episode 112


If you’re an introvert in HR, you’re not alone. Recently I shared a piece on LinkedIn about introverts in HR and the value of introversion, and the piece received thousands of likes and comments. Apparently my own preference for introversion is in good company!

In today’s podcast discussion, Tim Gardner, an admitted introvert and experienced organizational development leader, talks about designing work around people instead of forcing people to bend around the work. His background as an engineer (yes, really!) gives him a unique and powerful perspective on HR, process design, and business operations. 

Towards the end of the discussion, I ask Tim to talk about legacy and impact, and it’s a great set of ideas for all of us as we think about the lasting impressions of our work and relationships on the world. 


Connect with Tim: 

Learn more about We’re Only Human and see show archives: 

Hiring Employees for the First Time? Here's What You Need to Know

One of the most difficult things about running your own business is knowing when it is time to hire employees and how to do so. If your business has until now been carried out solely by yourself or a pair/group of cofounders, making the jump from “self-employed” to “employer” can feel daunting. Here is everything that you need to know if you are considering hiring other members of staff for your company for the first time.

Also read: how to hire your first HR person

Make Sure You Can Afford to Pay Employees

Of course, the first thing to work out is if your business actually has the finances available to pay employees. Employing others is, of course, a way to increase your overall profits. However, you should have enough funds at the time being, and for the foreseeable future, to pay employee wages.

If you are thinking of hiring employees, it is likely because your company is expanding and it is no longer possible for yourself and/or your company's cofounders to carry out operations without help. This probably means that your company is growing and becoming more profitable, so hiring staff is likely to be possible, but you should still double check. Making cash flow projections is a useful way of doing this. Really understanding the business, the expenses/revenue, and how things operate is a key fundamental for great HR.

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