#DisruptHR HSV 2.0 is Coming April 2019

TL;DR version: DisruptHR HSV is coming back to Huntsville! See links below for details. Early bird tickets available through March 31st.


It all started with an event. A real, no-kidding live event. Back in 2009 I had just started blogging, and a friend and I set up a mini conference as a way to get people together, expand relationships, and learn together. Little did I know how far my career and life would come in ten short years. The point is that live events create special bonds and connections. They offer chances to learn and grow, sure, but they also create a space where likeminded people can connect with each other, support each other, and learn from each other. Every time one of those connections happens, I like to think that the profession that I know and love gets just a little bit better and brighter.

Fast forward to August 2018. Kristina Minyard, a different friend of 10+ years, cohosted an event with me in Huntsville, Alabama, called DisruptHR HSV. DisruptHR events happen all around the globe, and we wanted to bring the innovation to our own local community. We've done this in many ways—we both speak locally, we both volunteer with our local HR chapter, and we are both avid advocates for better HR practices. But we wanted to take it a step further with a dedicated event.

To be honest I didn't know what to expect. I hoped that we would sell 75 tickets and have a fun night to remember, but I didn't know if we would do it again. It's expensive. It's a lot of work.

Then it happened. And I was totally blown away.

We sold out of tickets several times, were moved to the biggest space in the event facility, and eventually topped out at around 150 people in attendance.

The speakers for this event really made it, though. Some of them were experts, some of them were newbies, but all of them got up there and delivered five minutes of thought-provoking content to help the audience think differently about themselves, their work, and their lives.

We had a handful of amazing sponsors to help us cover the costs, and we are forever thankful for their support.
disrupthr shirts
Why the reminiscing? Well, because the event was such a success, Kristina and I have decided to host DisruptHR HSV 2.0 on Thursday, April 18th, 2019. Tickets are on sale here, and because our shirts were so popular we are selling shirts at cost with your ticket purchase to help spread the message. Speaker submissions are open for a little while longer. Sponsors should reach out to me about our new packages to reach this influential audience–we have increased the branding and reach from last year to help our sponsor partners have even more value.

We even had attendees come from Atlanta and Birmingham last year, because this event is one that you can't find just anywhere else.

I hope to see you in April. Early bird tickets are available for a little while longer. Get them while you can!


We’re Only Human 50: Hitting a Milestone (Plus Special Guests)

Welcome to our 50th episode! In today’s show Ben takes a different approach with a solo show to catch up on some happenings at Lighthouse Research, some of the key activities coming up on the research agenda, and some personal reflections now that the book is out in the market. Listen in to hear from a handful of special guests that are very “close” to the show.

This is a lighthearted discussion to celebrate 50 episodes and to highlight fun topics coming down the line in the coming months. Check it out and be sure to subscribe and share with your HR friends!

We’re Only Human 49: New Research On Diversity and Inclusion Technology

Talking about D&I is nothing new for HR leaders, but what are you actually doing to measure and improve your firm’s approach? For some time the need was there to help people see why diversity mattered, but now the conversation has shifted to how to improve results. 

In today’s discussion, Ben talks with Stacia Garr of Red Thread Research and Carole Jackson of Mercer to explore the duo’s latest research on diversity and inclusion technology in hiring, development, analytics, and more. 

If your firm is thinking about D&I from a practical standpoint, today’s discussion is for you. 

Learn more about the report and the research by visiting: http://info.mercer.com/dandItech

Linkedin Mistakes Which HR Should Avoid

linkedin-400850_1280Every HR specialist uses dozens of the resources on a daily basis when it comes to a search for the potential candidates or for the promotion of positions. Among them, Linkedin is the main tool for recruiters to use. It is almost impossible to find a decent potential employee without this social network. Of course, using Linkedin is not that simple as it may seem to be. As every professional social media, it has its pros and cons. We decided to list the most common mistakes that can be done by HR specialists in Linkedin. We hope it may help you to avoid awkward and uncomfortable situations.

Do not ignore the network

Each recruiter has his/her own base of contacts. Sometimes a potential candidate can send a LinkedIn message to a recruiter in order to apply for the job directly. Never ignore what you receive in the LinkedIn private mode, even if you pay more attention to the other premium recruitment modes or sales navigators. Try to respond to as many letters as you can, so that more people can be scanned for the position you need to fill.  Continue reading

How to Make Salary Decisions without Performance Review Ratings [Video]

In the last few years more and more companies have made the decision to move away from the big, annual performance review to more frequent, informal conversations about performance on the job. But the biggest question I’m hearing is “what happens to our compensation decisions?” After all, most of the time those two activities are deeply intertwined, so what’s the deal?

In the short video below I release some of the preliminary findings from a new research study I’ve been running on this topic. The short version: Continue reading

How Recruiters Manage to Find Talented Students With no Job Experience?

agreement-3399518_1280Recruiting new talent in the workplace has changed and is more involving than before. Candidate assessment no longer focuses on just academic qualifications. It's always beneficial to have direct work experience, but that is not the only requirement that will secure you a job.

Professionals have changed the way their recruitment process works so that they don't miss out on top talent from the young generation. With motivation and driven attitudes, you can land a good job and be a great asset to the company.

So what hiring strategies do employers use? In this article, we have compiled a list of some recruitment ideas that students with no work experience can use to get a dream job.

Focus on transferable skills

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Why are 70% of Resumes Not Reviewed by Recruiters?

Most companies are using applicant tracking systems which ease the daily duties of an HR and make it harder for an applicant to be noticed. How does the system work and how useful is it?

Automate Your Hiring With Applicant Tracking

Today in the busy world we have to proceed bunches of information, documents, tables, resumes, reports and many other. In order not to lose in the always changing world people use various systematization tools to ease the process. These systems are used everywhere including HR departments. Human resources specialists can receive up to thousand CVs per day which is a huge amount of manual proceeding. ATS (application tracking system) makes it possible to systematize all received resumes and not to lose a promising candidate.

upstart blog

What are the tasks of ATS?

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